Rebekka’s Blog
Thoughts on parenting our children, ourselves, and humanity
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This Holiday Season, Just Say Yes
The world has been saying "no" a lot lately. So I've made a conscious decision, and here it is: This holiday season, I'm going to say "YES" as much as I can.
Love in the Time of Coronavirus
Let us uphold the three hundred million years of mammalian wisdom that course through our veins: the knowledge, baked into our DNA, that we must let go of the comforts of the past in order to welcome what is to come.
The Body Beautiful: How my preschooler taught me to love myself
"I don't like my body!" My then-2-year-old screamed.I'm pretty fearless with her, mind you, and it takes a lot for anything she says or does to faze me. But this one stopped my mind for a moment, and in that moment, I raced into the past and ahead to the future.
What love smells like: On bathing with my daughter
My last bath with my daughter is coming one day, but I don’t think it will be tonight.
Why does my child hate me?
Your child loves you more than anything else in the entire world. Love just doesn't always look like it does in stock photos. Real love is a lot messier. Embrace the mess, or at the very least, don't take it personally.